Reckless driving incident leads to shooting in Northern California, deputies say

Reckless driving incident leads to shooting in Northern California, deputies say

(FOX40.COM) — A 35-year-old man was arrested in Northern California on Saturday night after shooting two people who tried to confront him about reckless driving, according to the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department.

The sheriff’s department said the incident occurred in the area of ​​Drake Way in Oregon House, about 30 miles northeast of Marysville around 8 p.m.

Officers said they learned that just before receiving the shots fired call, an adult and a juvenile walked to the aforementioned area to “confront the driver of a pickup truck who was seen driving recklessly on Manzanita Lane.”

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“As the victims attempted to obtain the license plate of the truck, the 35-year-old suspect exited the residence and pointed a firearm at the victims,” deputies said.

Officers added that the victims quickly turned to leave as the suspect fired “several shots in their direction,” but none of them were hit by any bullets.

“As officers arrived in the area and attempted to communicate with the suspect, he continued to fire his weapon, narrowly missing several of the officers,” officials continued.

The suspect was arrested and booked into Yuba County Jail for assault with a firearm and shooting at an occupied vehicle.

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