Gloria Johnson, Democrat of the “Tennessee Three,” wins primary and will face Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn

Gloria Johnson, Democrat of the “Tennessee Three,” wins primary and will face Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Tennessee state Rep. Gloria Johnson has won the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate and will face a Republican incumbent. Marsha Blackburn in November, facing a survivor of a Republican-led recall effort at a gun control protest against a close ally of former President Donald Trump.

Johnson defeated three primary opponents, including Marquita Bradshaw, a Memphis activist and community organizer who notably won the Democratic Senate nomination in 2020 and then lost to the Republican. Bill Hagerty by a wide margin.

Blackburn overcame a Republican primary challenge from Tres Wittum, a former Tennessee legislative staffer who placed last in the 5th Congressional District primary in 2022.

Tennessee has exclusively elected statewide Republican candidates for nearly two decades.

Blackburn first won the Tennessee Senate seat in 2018, defeating former Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen by nearly 11 percentage points.

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