Supporters of raising Ohio’s minimum wage to  an hour fail to get a vote – Business Journal Daily

Supporters of raising Ohio’s minimum wage to $15 an hour fail to get a vote – Business Journal Daily

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Supporters of a proposal to raise Ohio’s minimum wage to $15 an hour have failed to gather enough signatures to place it on this year’s ballot.

Organizers of the effort, who faced a Wednesday deadline to submit their signatures, said they will now try to bring the issue before voters in 2025.

One Fair Wage, a national campaign to raise the minimum wage in several states, had to gather more than 413,000 valid signatures across Ohio.

The group sought to raise Ohio’s minimum wage from its current rate of $10.45 to $12.75 in the first year and then to $15 the following year. It would then have increased annually in line with inflation.

The Ohio Chamber of Commerce along with restaurant and bar owners opposed the proposal.

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